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Disabled Disney Nominated For Sunshine Blogger Award

Writer's picture: Disabled DISventuresDisabled DISventures

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

Sunshine Blogger Award text on a field of Sun Flowers Given to Disabled Disney
Disabled Disney Sunshine Blogger Award

Being a blogger as I am with Disabled Disney, sometimes it seems very lonely and thankless. I write these posts and don't even know if I am reaching anyone or getting out my message. I look at analytics and research SEO and some days I am super confused about all of it.

Then something amazing happens like a blogger award! I really do love the blogger to blogger awards because even though I still don't know if I am getting my message out, at least other bloggers are seeing what I write! The Sunshine Blogger Award is a blogger to blogger award and when your "nominated" it just means that as long as you accept get it!!!

The rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are:

1) Thank the person who nominated you

2) Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator

3)Nominate at least 11 bloggers and create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer

4) Notify your nominees by social media or commenting on their blog

5)List the rules and display the graphic on your blog or post

I was nominated by my new blogging friend I met Jessica! Her blog is Sorting Out Life's Issues With Jess. She does a lot of book reviews and has a great series currently on The Very Best Of The United States. You should definitely check out her blog! Thank you for nominating me Jess!! You are a beautiful soul and I love reading your posts!! I did my very first guest blogger piece The Very Best Of Arizona on her blog.

I was also nominated by Chocoviv's Lifestyle Blog. Make sure you check her blog our as well.

The 11 questions she asked are:

1. If you could live anywhere in the world where and why?

If I could live anywhere in the world...I would live on the beach in Southern California so I can be close to the water and close to Disneyland!

2. What does a day in the life of you look like?

I have an alarm set on my phone at 7 am but I am normally awake well before that. I check my blood sugar and my morning meds and find myself something to eat. I then go get on my phone and start going through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to like and comment on posts. I will fall asleep around 9 am because I don't sleep well at night. I wake up when my 12 pm alarm goes off to remind me to take my noon meds. I will normally eat something for lunch and rest awhile. Then in the afternoon I will work on blog posts, or editing YouTube videos or new graphics. At 5 pm my phone goes off again to remind me to take meds, Then I work on figuring out what we are making for dinner. After I eat dinner I am normally completely worn out and watch TV until about 9 or 10 pm and I take my bed time meds and go to bed.

3. If you could be an animal for the day what would you be and why?

A dolphin! Then I could swim and be free in the water!

4. Do you have any hidden talents?

I love to sing! I have been singing all my life. Some people tell me I'm pretty good. I also love to dance but due to my arthritis and fibromyalgia and other medical problems I am unable to dance anymore.

Melissa of Disabled Disney in black dress leaning on a podium
Melissa of Disabled Disney 10th grade choir photo

5. What is a long term goal you want to achieve?

Get our Disabled Disney YouTube channel and blog to generating income.

Disabled Disney logo
Disabled Disney Logo

6. If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be?

I would love to be a professional vocalist! Or just make Disabled Disney big and be a YouTube Star!

7. What are some of your favorite podcast and/or TV series?

I don't listen to podcast. TV shows are The Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, ER, Eureka, and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

8. What is your favorite season?

The Big Bang Theory- Season 2 and 4, Supernatural Season 6, ER Season 1 and 2, Eureka season 2, Star Trek:TNG Season 2 and 3.

9. Where is your next vacation?

Disneyland in September for the new Halloween Party Oogie Boogey's Bash. I mean duh!

10. What’s your dream job?

I would love to figure out how to be a full time travel blogger for my hubby and I.

11. If you could be amazing at one sport what would it be?

Dancing! And if you don't think it's a sport you should really try it sometime!

Melissa of Disabled Disney at approx 10 years old wearing a white shirt and black pants dancing
Melissa of Disabled Dancing at her Great Grandmothers House around 10 years old

My nominees are:

1. The Wellbeing Blogger

2. Chocoviv

3. Tiffany B

4. Rina K.

5. Charli Dee

6. Despite Pain

7. Jocelyn at Disney Gratitude

8. Kristy at World For A Girl

9. Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting

10. Mel at Your Travel Handbook

11. Secrets of the Ship

The questions you must answer are:

1. If you could have 1 Superpower what would it be and why?

2. How do you spend a lazy Sunday morning?

3. If you had to choose between a visual disability, mobility disability or intellectual disability which would you choose and why?

4. What is your favorite genre of movie and books and why?

5. Who is your favorite Disney Princess and why?

6. Are you a planner or procrastinator?

7. What goal do you want to accomplish before the end of 2019?

8. What is your favorite vacation destination and why?

9. How much do you hate SEO?

10. Coffee or tea and how do you take it?

11. If you could only have 1 food the rest of your life what is it and why?

Thank you so much for reading my work and as great as these blogger awards are I was nominated for a WEGO Health Award and that is a big deal. I do need endorsements in order to win so if you would give up a few minutes of your precious time and click the link and give me an endorsement I would be eternally grateful to you! The endorsement period ends at the end of July!

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