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Blogger Recognition Award

Writer's picture: Disabled DISventuresDisabled DISventures

Updated: May 4, 2019

Flower boarder with blogger recognition award in the center
Blogger Recognition Award

I have been nominated for The Blogger Recognition Award! It is a blogger supporting blogger's award. This means so much to me that other blogger's are recognizing my work and the work of other bloggers! I am so humbled and awed.

I was nominated by Charli Dee at Life with Charli make sure you check out this blogger! Thank you so much for nominating me. Blogging has become such a lifeline for me!

Life With Charli is an eclectic blog from what I have seen. She writes from her heart. Which I do too. She has a similar back story to mine. She fell in love with The Diary Of Anne Frank. I used to love her writing as well. I used to write poetry and short stories. It has taken me a long time to find my voice again. I shortly wrote a blog called Happy Fibro Girl. Which was geared toward my fibromyalgia and depression. But then my hubby was like..."we should start a Disney Vlog!" I was like ummm...ok. So we started Disabled Disney to incorporate our love of all things Disney and the disability factor and since my disability is rooted in my medical problems I can write about all of the as well!

Disabled Disney has really saved me because since I am unable to work full time anymore and due to medical problems I had to stop driving last year, I was floundering! Since starting this adventure with my hubby, I have been writing, planning, vlogging and posting on social media! I can do this when I am feeling up to it and take it slow and easy! So it has really saved me from going insane inside my house.

Melissa, David and Gillian from Disabled Disney posing in front of the Mickey topiary in Disneyland
Disabled Disney in Disneyland March 2019

My advice to new bloggers is:

1. Just start writing! Sometimes when you are stuck in your head and in your thoughts and doubts a great way out is just to get it all out of your head! Then organize from there!

2. Start small and grow your blog as you grow!

The Rules of the Blogger Recognition Award:

Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award.

Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post.

Give a brief story of how your blog started. 

Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

I nominate:

1. Amanda Gene

2. Jessica Renfro

5. Mel

Make sure you check out all of these great bloggers! Leave a comment. Let me know how my blogs or vlogs have helped you!

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1 Comment

May 09, 2019

Thankyou so much for the sweet mention! Also, your back story is so inspiring!

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